The U.S. Navy has only four active public shipyards. Meanwhile, China has at least 35 sites with known ties to military or ...
The USNS Wally Schirra, a U.S. Navy dry cargo ship, departed a South Korean shipyard this week after a seven-month overhaul, ...
Rep. Darrell Issa suggested Thursday that San Diego would be the “ideal" location for the new White House Office of ...
In a March 13 webcall with analysts to present Algoma’s quarterly and year-end results, Garcia said the steelmaker is focusing on boosting plate production to supply burgeoning Canadian shipbuilding ...
We have a legal obligation under the Merchant Marine Act to maintain sufficient maritime capacity for national defense and commerce.
Should Congress enact it, the SHIPS Act will fundamentally transform shipbuilding in the United States. Back in December, U.S ...
The legislation would increase cargo preference for all U.S. Department of Transportation cargoes to 100%. The Cargo ...
Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee Ranking Member Salud Carbajal (CA-24) and Chair Mike Ezell (MS-04) ...
CMA CGM Group, Marseille, France, announced a $20 billion investment over the next four years, intended to enhance U.S.
A report details how China in two decades has grown to be the dominant global player in shipbuilding, dwarfing the U.S., ...
A longtime naval analyst said approaches seen in Japan and South Korea could help the operations of US shipyards building ...
The resurrection of military shipbuilding in the U.S. will hinge on improving wages and benefits for workers at shipyards, ...