School choice, and specifically school choice in the form of Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), is the path forward to ...
Doral Academy of Texas, part of a national tuition-free charter school network, is growing its presence in Austin.
As the 89th legislative session progresses, school districts across Texas are navigating uncertainty regarding state funding ...
AUSTIN, Texas - Ahead of Sunday's NASCAR race at Austin's Circuit of the Americas, a driver sat down with a group of Central ...
AUSTIN, Texas — A former Austin elementary school is reopening with a new purpose years after closing down. What was once Pease Elementary School is set to become a child care facility after a ...
Students shouldn't be stuck in bad schools based on their zip code. The proposed educational savings account program in the ...
A student was detained Friday in connection to an alleged threat against a KIPP campus, according to a school statement. A ...
Pease is one of four elementary schools the Austin ISD school board voted to close after the 2019-20 school year. Austin ISD ...
The bill concludes by affirming that any public school student has the "absolute right" to individually, voluntarily and silently pray or meditate in school.
School District of Lancaster is recommending its board vote in March against the formation of a new brick-and-mortar charter ...
A Third Future Schools-Texas elementary school in Midland has been accused of neglecting social studies and physical ...