‘[Howell’s] broad experience in CCD astronomy is evident throughout the book ... provides a compact and very readable account of all the practical aspects of CCD cameras. …aimed both at the 'fresh' ...
Using dedicated CCD cameras requires the usual methods associated with deep-sky astrophotography, such as using dark frames and flat fields to fully calibrate the images before processing.
Charge-coupled-device cameras are a vital component of many applications involving digital imaging. Neil Savage presents a summary of some of the latest products. Cameras based on charge-coupled ...
As there are many more amateur than professional astronomers, and many have the kinds of telescopes and CCD cameras needed to measure the fading brilliance of a gamma-ray burst, the odds are that ...
Although mostly replaced by CMOS sensors to capture images in cameras, camcorders and scanners, CCDs are still used in astronomy, microscopy and biomedical imaging because of their excellent ...
Digital telescopes use a CCD or CMOS array ... in the case of its middle-infrared spectrograph and camera (MIRI), and a mercury-cadmium-telluride CMOS array for Webb's near-infrared NIRCam.
McKim is also well equipped with modern instruments, including five Celestron 8-inch and one Celestron 11-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, an SBIG ST-6 CCD camera, a webcam, equipment for ...
The 60/90 cm Schmidt telescope at the PiszkéstetÅ‘ Mountain Station before equipped with the modern ... [+] large CCD camera.
Research resources for astronomy students in the physics department include telescopes as well as a spectrometer and CCD camera. All students in the astronomy minor complete a senior thesis project, ...
Existing Oct CCD cameras are not built for the new uses that they are being championed for. The medical field in particular wants to use them to improve aspects of patient care such as functional ...
Using dedicated CCD cameras requires the usual methods associated with deep-sky astrophotography, such as using dark frames and flat fields to fully calibrate the images before processing.