Aired from 2013 to 2016. Inspector Lynley Mysteries: Based on the novels of Elizabeth George, this drama series is about upper-crust DI Thomas Lynley and working class DS Barbara Havers.
Aired from 2013 to 2016. Inspector Lynley Mysteries: Based on the novels of Elizabeth George, this drama series is about upper-crust DI Thomas Lynley and working class DS Barbara Havers.
Meanwhile, posh, fast-track DI Lynley (Nathaniel Parker, pictured) is at a society wedding - of his best pal to the love of his life. So begins a satisfyingly tangled, well acted murder mystery.
Nathaniel Manderson was educated at a conservative seminary, trained as a minister, ordained through the American Baptist Churches USA and guided by liberal ideals. Throughout his career he has ...
Constructed at the turn of the 19th century by Nathaniel Russell – a wealthy Southern merchant – this historic home is known for its spiraling staircase, detailed furnishings and landscaped ...
Ashley Parker is Senior National Political Correspondent for The Washington Post. She covered all four years of the Trump presidency, as well as his 2016 campaign, and served as the White House ...
In a new memoir, Al Pacino promises to reveal the person behind the actor. But is he holding something back?