An Australian researcher found that many areas that supposedly produce lots of centenarians also produce shoddy ...
The epitome of this is blue zones, which are regions where people supposedly reach age 100 at a remarkable rate. For almost ...
The oldest man in the world, John Tinniswood, supposedly aged 112, is from a very rough part of Liverpool. The easiest ...
A superager is some able to live into their 80s and 90s and have the brain capacity of someone in their 50s or 60s.
People who want to live to 110, or at least be recorded as doing so, should move to the most deprived area in their country, ...
The Okinawa diet is low in calories, fat and high in carbohydrates. The diet focuses on vegetables and soy products alongside ...
It has also recently announced a partnership with the key scientists involved in the Okinawa Centenarian Research Center for Longevity who are retained as Advisor on longevity and the development ...
ANEW has secured exclusive worldwide rights and issued patents in the USA, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong and China, covering the secreted form of Klotho, known scientifically as s-KL. Klotho is often ...
During his exploration of the world's 'Blue Zones' (regions where people live longer than average), Buettner discovered that the centenarians in Okinawa seemed to prioritise nourishing foods along ...
With the Greeks, by my estimates at least 72% of centenarians were dead, missing or essentially pension-fraud cases. It varies. In Okinawa, the best predictor of where the centenarians are is ...