If you're serious about closing the risk strategy-culture gap, a good starting point can be found in the following approaches ...
A great way for executives to hone their communication skills is by having a coach listen in on their conversations and ...
Internal customer support platforms are moving from platforms like email ticketing systems and chat to channels like Slack, ...
As the use of artificial intelligence continues to rise, professionals must find a balance between innovation and ...
Blended with Emotional Intelligence (EQ), self-awareness is the foundation of Chad M. Brignac’s approach to leading in and ...
CNOs need to lead through relational change to make major organizational changes run smoothly while maintaining a high standard of patient care, says this CNE.
Background Hospital readmissions are an important quality of care indicator and are tied to hospitals’ financial reimbursements. Safety-net hospitals, which serve a high proportion of patients of low ...
Dr Mohan discusses with Nurse Goff, Dr Mohan, and Dr Nadeem strategies for maintaining continuity of care and communication between community centers and academic institutions during bispecific ...