Leaving Copenhagen’s castle-like station, the train (5.3 hours, from 35 euros) traversed the five-mile bridge connecting ...
The wines Fauve and fellow vintners make in Vaud and other parts of Switzerland don’t travel far. They are greedily consumed ...
Sir Richard Branson recently announced plans to raise £700million to fund a new train service connecting UK passengers with ...
Protesters hurled petrol bombs and set fire to trash cans in Athens on Friday as hundreds of thousands of Greeks went on ...
The Tate Modern is packed, the Prado is heaving and there’s no way around the lines at the Louvre. But I won’t despair as ...
These amazing feats of engineering allow trains to navigate the steepest valleys and cross the deepest rivers.
Basel might seem an unlikely fit for this year's Eurovision host, but its cosmopolitan make-up means it's perfectly suited ...
British holidaymakers could soon be able to board high-speed trains from London to Switzerland, Germany and Italy ... in part ...
Jennifer Veilleux didn’t know what she was getting herself into when she agreed to a winter vacation with friends in Grindelwald, Switzerland ... or one of those red saucer things and ...
Jennifer Veilleux didn’t know what she was getting herself into when she agreed to a winter vacation with friends in Grindelwald, Switzerland.
Elsewhere, topping Titan Travel 's list of the "most picturesque" railway journeys in the world is The Himalayan Queen in ...
A ‘rail renaissance’ has seen increasing numbers of holidaymakers swapping planes for trains, driven partly by a desire to ...