The modern-day Damascus Road could be considered as the road from the White House to Mar-a-Lago. New York Mayor Eric Adams traveled it.
But all this was about to change. One day Saul was traveling from Jerusalem on the road to Damascus. There, he claims he saw a bright light and heard the voice of Jesus telling him to stop ...
If one views directions on a cell phone or tablet, sometimes a voice says “at the next stop sign or light make a U turn.” ...
Waruguru now says that like the Biblical Saul, she has had her road to Damascus moment. She has seen the light and heard the voice, only unlike Saul, rather than lose her sight, she has had her ...
Known as Saul the Butcher, the stoning of Stephen was said to have shattered Saul's faith in the Temple and its denial of Christ as the Messiah. His conversion to Christianity and baptism as Paul ...