Kyiv, Ukraine – Olha, a 52-year-old nurse from the southern Ukrainian town of Voznesensk, feels as though the fear of war will never leave her, three years into Russia’s full-scale invasion of ...
Another recommended book, A Small, Stubborn Town, by Andrew Harding, tells the story of Voznesensk and how its residents resisted Russia’s invasion. The War For Ukraine: Strategy and Adaptation ...
Teenagers in Mykolaiv region were also involved in preparing sabotage on the railways. In December 2024, a court in Voznesensk sentenced a teenager to a suspended sentence for this case. He was ...
Po celý deň očakávame oblačné počasie a snehové zrážky. Dnešné teploty by sa mali pohybovať od 0 °C do 2 °C. Pocitová teplota sa očakáva medzi -2 °C a -1 °C. Dnes očakávame Juhovýchodný vietor s ...
Na Slovensko mieri „KRVAVÝ“ dážď aj zmena počasia pred 16 hodinami Cez víkend sa bude meniť čas na letný. Nie však na Slovensku pred 1 dňom Slováci, pozor! Mierna zima prebúdza medvede, jeden bol ...
On the night of 20 February, Russian troops launched a missile and drone strike on Ukraine's gas infrastructure, damaging production facilities. This was reported by Ukraine's Energy Minister Herman ...