NEWS - The carnival mass in the Catharinakerk was traditionally held on the Sunday of the Lampegat carnival. The mass, broadcast by Studio040, included speeches - Dijsselbloem sings 'The Troubadour' a ...
NEWS - When PSV host Arsenal at home in the eighth round of the Champions League on Tuesday night, carnival is still in full swing. Around 1,600 Arsenal fans are - Eindhoven carnival organisers invite ...
A group of youths stole the hat of Prince Union from Dwèrsklippelgat, Nuenen, on Saturday night. "Four boys pulled the hat from the prince's head when he - Prince's Hat stolen and it's no joke ...
During a check on illegal taxis in Eindhoven and Den Bosch, thirteen drivers were caught Saturday night who were transporting ...
The Eindhoven library and Eindhoven cyber security firm MindYourPass will join forces to improve digital security. The ...
Lifestyle, NEWS - On Tuesday evening the Eindhoven city council voted to allocate an extra €2.8 million for Museumpark Vonk.
NEWS, Politics - Rianne Donders-De Leest will be acting mayor of the municipality of Best from 10 March. She will succeed Hans Ubachs, who recently decided to step down - Rianne Donders-De Leest actin ...
Lifestyle, NEWS - Fewer and fewer residents of Eindhoven are volunteering for the local community. Social organisations in the city are also finding it increasingly - Number of volunteers declining in ...
The former Tax Office office in Eindhoven is being converted into a shelter for 300 asylum seekers and status holders. There ...
FEATURES, NEWS - As many of you know, Eindhoven News aims to keep internationals living in the city of Eindhoven and ...
NEWS - Due to a burglary, there was a large police presence at De Bijenkorf on 18 Septemberplein in Eindhoven on Thursday ...