In Temelín, dem Standort des tschechischen Atomkraftwerks mit zwei in Betrieb befindlichen Reaktoren, sollen Pläne für den Bau eines sogenannten Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Realität werden. Doch statt ...
A risky game with unclear rules at our borders is a cause for concern! Because more and more countries are returning to ...
In March, Ales Pajovic will have been coach of the Austrian national handball team for six years. However, the signs are ...
Normally, there is not much going on in China at the end of January: many businesses shut down for the Chinese New Year ...
Vandals have vandalized the grave of the recently deceased French right-wing extremist Jean-Marie Le Pen. The eldest daughter ...
"There is no point in losing your nerve now," said ÖVP Secretary General Alexander Pröll regarding the coalition negotiations ...
„Es bringt nichts, jetzt die Nerven zu verlieren“, hat ÖVP-Generalsekretär Alexander Pröll zu den Koalitionsverhandlungen mit den Freiheitlichen ...
Journalist and author Gernot Rohrhofer outlines the years-long dispute between the economic and corruption prosecutor's ...
Obesity is more than just too much fat on the stomach or a "beauty flaw". The effects are still underestimated.
Im Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal gibt es zahlreiche schöne Winterwanderwege. Entspannt und ohne nennenswerte Steigungen ...
14.600 Betretungs- und Annäherungsverbote hat Österreichs Polizei im Vorjahr ausgesprochen. Das ist ein Rückgang um 2,85 ...
Thursday's games in the North American professional ice hockey league NHL were successful for Marco Rossi and Marco Kasper.