I Am Living Proof focuses on three people who claim they were miraculously healed during a 2022 tent revival in Colorado ...
A few years ago, I got into an argument with a friend about religion. The question we tussled over: Would America be better ...
To reinvest in the upcoming generation and to rebuild democracy, the lonely generation has to become the hobby generation.
To make democracy work in Africa, a nation-building elite is needed to strengthen the basic laws of society by exemplary ...
Until Donald Trump, no president had been so ignorant of the lessons of history, so incompetent in carrying out his own ideas ...
The International Republican Institute’s furloughed staffers feel betrayed by former board member Marco Rubio.
In reality, Trump’s agenda is unlikely to be compatible with any meaningful de-globalisation process. Reversing globalisation ...
Courageous rights defenders are jailed all over the world for speaking truth to power. Freedom House documents their cases ...
The country’s Constitution gives its citizens more than a right to the pursuit of happiness. But attempts to redeem that ...
Employees at the Aviano Air Base who serve American forces got a familiar demand to list their achievements. Unions say Italy ...
On June 1, federal authorities used smoke grenades and tear gas to remove protesters from Lafayette Park; President Donald ...