Energy efficiency offers positive societal benefits in both environmental and economic ways, such as lowering pollutants and utility bills. As such, the global community is looking toward ...
Ainley, Kirsten 2011. The International Criminal Court on trial. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 24, Issue. 3, p. 309. ZUMBANSEN, PEER 2012 ...
MAC AMHLAIGH, Cormac 2019. Back to a Sovereign Future?: Constitutional Pluralism after Brexit. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, Vol. 21, Issue. , p. 41. Heermann, Max and Leuffen, Dirk ...
A technical paper titled “eGPU: A 750 MHz Class Soft GPGPU for FPGA” was published by researchers at Intel Corporation and Imperial College London. “This paper introduces the eGPU, a SIMT soft ...