The War of 1812, despite not even having a decent name, is, like, the best war ever. Not a ton of people died, an important principle (American sovereignty) was at stake, and the outcome was good ...
Insights Some generals went on to become President of the United States.  All of the generals became well-known because of ...
Looking now to “Old Rough and Ready” - Zachary TaylorPrior to becoming the twelfth president Taylor joined the military at ...
Some of these soldiers were freed African Americans ... The U.S. had declared war in June 1812, partially in response to the forced recruitment of American merchant sailors into the British Navy, ...
The number of soldiers who died during the Civil War was equal to—perhaps even greater than—the total U.S. deaths in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish ...
This year’s Battle of Plattsburgh commemoration began on Wednesday with a series of memorial services including honoring the ...
Here's Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Alan Taylor's account of the looting, from his book The Civil War of 1812: American Citizens ... identify with the military and conservative values ...
The U.S. declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812 capped off years of tensions, in part over seizures of American ships ... for his filthy top.) A soldier balanced one of President ...
The public is invited to remember and celebrate local Revolutionary War and War of 1812 veterans in the coming weeks.
The event honors the American troops that confronted a larger British army attempting to take control of the village of ...
This issue brief outlines potential sources of authority for lawful military actions ... decision making during war, as many had experienced during the American Revolution, was ineffective.
Hermann has an extensive background in Western European and American military history ... national preeminence in The Civil War, American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, and Colonial ...