An exhibition opening Saturday at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU Texas will explore the experience of motherhood ...
The Wichita Art Museum plans to open at noon (subject to change). The City of Wichita said that Public Works crews continue to treat streets and remind the community that the effectiveness of the ...
The “Anila Quayyum Agha: Interwoven” exhibition now open at the Wichita Art Museum wastes no time in providing a wow factor for visitors. It happens with the very first piece, where the ...
Botanica closed due to the weather, and Cowtown, the Wichita Art Museum and the Mid-America All Indian Museum delayed opening until noon. The snow moved into the area overnight and light snowfall ...
Wichita Art Museum, Great Plains Nature Center, Environmental Health office and the WATER Center. There will be no Wichita Transit or Paratransit service on Monday, Feb 17.