We are all retired” said many of the calls to the massive mobilization on Wednesday, in reference to what is only a matter of ...
Argentina's yearly inflation fell to 84.5 percent in January in the wake of drastic and controversial austerity measures ...
The Minister of Economy, Luis CaputoHe pointed out that the agreement with the IMF, which was published this morning, is ...
A group of opposition lawmakers filed a criminal complaint against Argentine President Javier Milei for signing an Emergency ...
Argentina’s President Javier Milei has issued an executive decree preapproving a loan agreement from the IMF, signalling the ...
At least 16 fatal victimscomplaints about A hundred missing people that they are still looking for and almost 1,500 evacuated ...
Trump and Milei share common ground: both champion dreams of making their countries “great again,” disdain climate policies and present themselves as political outsiders. Yet their approaches diverge ...
Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) was heavily critical of the incumbent Javier Milei's ...
Government pledges $9.2m in financial aid for Bahia Blanca, a port city of 300,000 people south of Buenos Aires.
Heavy rains in the Argentine port city of Bahia Blanca, southwest of the capital Buenos Aires, left at least 10 dead and ...
President Javier Milei says new IMF programme is a move to "exterminate inflation" in Argentina. President Javier Milei says ...
The president blamed Argentina’s persistently high inflation rate on an excess money supply partly caused by the deterioration of central bank (BCRA) assets ...