QR Code, Business Card

You'll soon see a big change in how your Gmail account is secured and your two-factor authenticated logins are handled.
There is an awareness and effectiveness of QR codes as a bridge to digital information; but how can this change the usual ...
Signs with QR codes are about to flood the streets of downtown San Jose — 92 of them to be exact. The city of San Jose’s ...
You could probably tell the difference between a real text message and one sent by a scammer. The phishing text likely has a ...
Cemeteries in Munich allow QR codes as memorials on headstones, Mr. Hoerauf said, and for more than a decade, people whose ...
Russian hackers are targeting military personnel with advanced phishing attacks as they look to access their Signal accounts.
QR TIGER is a leading QR code generation platform, founded by CEO Benjamin Claeys. In this interview with TechBullion, the ...
Frequent tra­v­el­lers to Singapore using land checkpoints can expect faster immigration clearance at Johor checkpoints as ...